Originally Posted By: dal
....I'm not stuck steadfast on any particular ideology or call people idiots, sociopaths, or commies if they have another view. Sometimes they have good ideas....sometimes they don't. Both may screw up at times, and both may make my country stronger.
Alberta for instance, was very, very right. Now in the downturn of oil prices, and everyone losing their houses because the right could not foresee the requirement to save or collect sales taxes....

Hey dal, you mention, may may may. Why not look at actual track record from prior performance rather than getting wowed by campaign rhetoric.

My take, your one example isn't all that good of one. You actually said, it's the governments job to tax just in case? Then what, everyone that 'put in' gets a check, or was this tax to provide corporate welfare for big oil in case of a rainy day?

Shoot, if I heard that at a party, I'd be under some sort of medical distress not berserk. More likely I'd be choking on the brook trout pate unable to wash it down with a fifth of cote.

I thought you were mr. grumpy about all the corporate folks that have. Smart plan, let the corporate fat cats lay off, then your taxes keep these workers warm in the bull pen for when the corporate guys give the nod that they want 'em back in the game.

If two or three folks were rolling around on the ground laughing uncontrollably, would that be a hoot?