It's not that I don't "believe in gunfit". They shoot guns that fit them, buzz, absolutely. I have been fitted by a gunfitter that had me to shoot at a pattern plate many, many times, too. That is not the point. The point is that even though you might shoot your best in a round of 100 while using a gun the "fits" perfectly, many of us can shoot within three or four birds of that number with a gun that may differ greatly in dimensions.

I certainly do not shoot at the top in registered sporting, with the likes of Miles, Matarese, McGuire, Cherry, Fowler, etc. But, I punched into Master class at the U S Open in 2010 shooting an out of the box BSS with a leather lace-on pad to increase the LOP. It has nowhere near the dimensions of my MX8 comp gun, which fits me perfectly. I shot in M class for several years, then lost interest in it and almost quit shooting registered stuff and they bumped me back down to AA this year, which "tickled me pink". My goal is not to be the "National Champion". Again, the point is that there are many of us who can shoot within 3-4 birds, of our best with a fitted comp gun, while shooting any number of guns with differing dimensions. Also again, as long as they have enough drop to let me stack the beads without pushing my cheek down on the comb too hard. One inch difference in LOP, more drop .......... no big deal.

And, in reality, if I am having a really good day with the "stock" BSS I will shoot BETTER than I will shooting the fitted MX8 on a mediocre day. And, the MX8 is the one that supposedly fits me best, according to the gunfitter's recommended dimensions.


Last edited by Stan; 07/27/15 08:46 PM.

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