Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
If I'm so stupid then why do you keep posting the same thing over and over....

Because I enjoy ridiculing you stUpid. You showed both your ignorance and your stupidity in the exchange of posts below. I bring them to the top so that those few who haven't seen the stupid stuff your wrote in this thread will have a chance to see it.


Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
Korematsu was very possibly the worst USSC decision ever made. It could just as easily have been the HomelessJOe, O'Mally, Dago, Mick, Spic, Chink, or Tutsi decision.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Sorry but when you're at war you do what you have to do....no amount of liberal crap ever one a war.

Originally Posted By: GLS

And neither did "stupid crap".

As for "Liberal Crap", Earl Warren, while attorney general of California endorsed and supported internment. In 1942, he ran and was elected governor making internment part of his platform. Roosevelt signed the excutive order implementing it. His appointees on SCOTUS upheld Korematsu.

jOe, because you are very stupid, I am going to explain both the meaning and the point of GLS' post. Because otherwise its meaning will go over your head and you will make another very stupid reply. And that very stupid reply will be another very stupid reply that doesn't have anything to do with anything.

FDR and Earl Warren were liberals; very, very, very liberal liberals. The internment of those US citizens of Japanese descent was ordered by a very liberal liberal, not a conservative. And the US won WWII while led by a liberal, FDR.

Almost all of the infringement of state's rights that occurred after the end of Reconstruction started with FDR. And almost all of that Federal power grab by FDR was ruled constitutional by a liberal Supreme Court appointed by FDR. And later led by Earl Warren.

Because you are very stUpid, you can only type very stUpid stUff. But I have discovered how much I enjoy making fun of mean-spirited stUpid bigots. So please, KEEP ON TYPING!

I am glad to be here.