King Brown, champion of the oppressed, you don't seem to be concerned about the miserable lives of the Illegal Aliens that CrapperZapper told us he employed:

Originally Posted By: ClapperZapper
No, the donor class needs cheap labor under the ruse of competition.
I willingly admit I have felt the joy of hiring illegals. The way they cowed before me. Knowing that with but the wave of my hand, all they had could be lost. They shook like dogs before my mighty fist. they looked over their shoulders as I strutted around, waiting for the lash. Just like my setters.
And then when they expected to be paid full wages, I cheated them. I was absolutely drunk with power!

And, I made twice as much money on the concrete they finished.
I loved how they cooked their little burritos under the hood of their car.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.