I feel very blessed. I have looked forward to going to work every day of my life. I have farmed for 44 years, and counting. Much of that I worked so hard that I didn't take as much time to hunt as I'd have liked, but I always managed to find time to shoot doves and hunt quail. My youngest son came back to the farm 17 years ago to work alongside me, that was one of the happiest days of my life. He is gradually taking the reins, and I get to take more time off to shoot and hunt, and take his two sons with me. Retirement is something I just can't envision. I hope I can hang around and help my son on the farm for lots of years to come. I can walk out my carport door with a hot cup of coffee every morning and when I cross the yard I am at work. I have a beautiful, and understanding Queen, to whom I have been married for 44 years this November. I have visited and hunted many wonderful places, even another country, but I will never consider leaving this homeplace. I want to die here, on this farm, in this house. There is nowhere on earth that I have ever seen that I love like home. My roots are here. My Grandaddy bought this farm in 1919 and lived in this house. My parents lived here, and Queen and I have since 1975. I am like an old tree. Dig me up and try to transplant me and I'd never survive, my roots would be left behind. I have a list of things I want to do, mostly places I want to go hunt, but I don't call it a bucket list. I hate having to sleep. I would trade sleep in for 7 more hours to do stuff if it were possible. I have taught my oldest grandson to be a fine wingshot, now I'm thinking about teaching his sons, too.

Retirement? Nah, don't think so. But, for those of you looking forward to it I wish you many happy days of leisure, good health and happiness.


May God bless America and those who defend her.