Members will note the little fella's peculiar definition of a lie. Usually it's anything he doesn't agree with but in this instance he's back to his ridiculous notion of a vote for Obama automatically makes you anti-gun and anti-coal-burning as if they're the burning issues on America's mind. Elizabeth May, Green Party leader, and Brian Mulroney, former Conservative prime minister, have been my friends for more than 40 years. I've voted for both. Both have done wonderful work in the Commons for Canada. The little fella belittles Americans who don't do as he does.

mc: you commented earlier on my blaming the prime minister and not his party for Canada's face to the world on a wide range of issues. You said it was poor government. A current example is Canada's selfish position on finding refuge for the Syrian and Afghan refugees. Canada has a splendid legacy of humanitarian aid and the country is demonstrating in the streets because of his refusal to boost a pitiable allocation. What he says goes. I did a documentary of our airlift of refugees to Canada from Hungary and Czechoslovakia in 1957.