Thanks J.R.B. I cleaned some out.

It is nice to have Ed Good keeping this thread near the top. I don't want to see it fade into obscurity and let King get away with his usual tactics of repeated lies, or changing the subject, or simply dancing away from it until most people forget what he actually said. I want to see it reach 100,00 views or more. It's over 48,000 now, and counting. An anti-gun Legacy solidified by his own words. And a Legacy of extreme dishonesty solidified by pathetic denials of his own words.

King has been recently trying a new strategy. He's been repeating the lie that I feel that anyone who is not a Republican or who voted for Obama must be anti-gun.

That is absurd and dishonest. I realize that a lot of the 47 per-centers who voted for Obama could care less about gun rights and the 2nd Amendment. Many simply voted for him because of his color with no regard to his competence or experience. Many others voted for Obama because they were interested in maintaining the expanded Welfare and Food Stamp benefits. I wonder if King's imaginary friend John F. Kennedy would see them as patriotic, or as greedy fools who are too lazy to work and only put us deeper in debt. They sure don't pay heed to his statement, "Ask not what your country can do for you... ask what you can do for your country." Then there are many Public Sector employees who know Obama is unlikely to reduce the size of government, and voted for him for their own selfish interests. These folks are not necessarily anti-gun at all. We have discussed these voters many times, and never branded them as anti-gun. But King Brown is out to discredit and denigrate me, and to hell with the truth!

Then there are those who would claim to be pro-gun... they may even own guns and hunt and shoot... but they support and defend and vote for extreme anti-gunners like Obama. These folks are not pro-gun no matter how you slice it. They are no help to us at all. They are more divisive and do more harm to the cause of gun rights than almost anything. This is where fools and liars and trolls like King Brown reside. King is worse than most because the very things he recommends to us are those things that failed dramatically in the past (as in the GCA of 1968) and caused long term damage to us.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.