Not a load of cow pies to me. It's your way of looking at a country so fed up with its Washington governance anything would be an improvement. Even Trump: first choice of Republican commoners and if not for the party will win the nomination, as low in presidential timber as the GOP can go.

The Second is what originalists and others want it to be, the former seeing any variances as infringements. So it goes and ever will be. It is not inviolable and inalienable as some members want all of us to believe. The variances seem broadly distributed across Republican and Democrat constituencies.

Your undeclared racial civil war to the point of Walker calling for protection of police is caused in part by not confronting the slavery legacy as Germany did the holocaust. That's a collective responsibility of all Americans, not one to be borne or blamed on blacks and whites, conservatives or liberals. Canada's heinous treatment of indigenous peoples is being addressed differently.

Your view of a Democrat not protecting your gun rights is common, not dissimilar to Republican doubts of Trump, the man of the deal, as their president, or of RINO politicians mentioned here including the presidential contender McCain. When did you start trusting only Republican politicians?

Americans love their guns. I said during the weeping and wailing of an anticipated Obama onslaught that any changes on his watch would be cosmetic. Gun rights are a minefield where any politician moves at her peril. The president's last 21 Executive Orders on gun control hardly got a mention here---if one, at all.

Consider also warfare of any kind, particularly on the streets against authority, nearly always results in repressive measures. That's a clear objective of dissenters, freedom fighters, terrorists, whatever you want to call them. Governments take measures for public safety. Often the first is gun control.

No one can offer a scenario that any politician will protect your gun rights, Craig. Parties rule and test their performance at elections. They do what the public seems to favour, and over-the-top security measures are often a consequence. That's how the US got the Patriot Act and Canada the relatively brief long-gun registry.

Hope this helps.