I'm not picky about your opinion, Jim. Current US affairs is a consequence of what happened during two terms Americans wanted him as president. Majorities represent the country's wishes.

Americans should not be indifferent to electing and re-electing a black over the best the opposition had to offer barely 50 years after whites were conceding blacks were humans with a right to vote.

A majority of Americans supported twice his domestic and foreign affairs platforms of healthcare and bringing troops home from the region the US was defeated and destabilized.

The American people allowed Obama to change America's face to the world from pariah to its temperate and generous roots, and to choose Keynes over cuts to lead the world out of the great recession.

Congress, compliant or activist, is America's legislative body. America allowed the president to carry out his mandate under extremely difficult social, economic and political restraints. He's adding to his legacy now in trade and positioning for patient and wily China.

It's splitting hairs to say his stewardship was the result of a compliant Congress. A majority of Americans gave him the authority to do what he said he would do. He did well for America compared to Bush and Clinton under rosier conditions.