Lyin' King Brown just thinks he can make it up as he goes along. He obviously believes that if you repeat a lie enough times, it will become accepted as truth. Then there is his wishful thinking on the legacy of his precious anti-gun Magic Negro, Barack Obama. He still thinks Obama is a success and will be remembered as being in the top third of all U.S. Presidents. That would imply that there were at least 32 that did a worse job. J C Hannum barely scratched the surface of Obama's failures or situations that are worse now than before Obama took office. You have to be a very committed liar to maintain that the U.S. is respected more by foreign countries. Most of Obama's "Lines in the sand" have ended with petty dictators and terrorists kicking sand in his face.

After King Liar told us how his anti-gun hero Obama kept his legislative gun in his holster:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
It's hardly mean-spirited to note that I'm an Obama supporter. I'm proud of it, apparent here as long as he's been around. He's anti-gun but has kept his legislative gun in his holster to position his party for '16.

I corrected him and reminded him of the gun control measures proposed by Obama after Newtown, and his vow to revisit the issue until he got his way. I reminded King Liar of his many Executive orders advancing gun control regulations. But King Liar says this:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
The Second is what originalists and others want it to be, the former seeing any variances as infringements. So it goes and ever will be. It is not inviolable and inalienable as some members want all of us to believe.

Americans love their guns. I said during the weeping and wailing of an anticipated Obama onslaught that any changes on his watch would be cosmetic. Gun rights are a minefield where any politician moves at her peril. The president's last 21 Executive Orders on gun control hardly got a mention here---if one, at all.

King Brown lied when he claimed Obama has "kept his legislative gun in the holster." I provided much proof that he has not, from his speeches and exploitation of other shootings since Newtown to numerous Executive Orders implementing new gun controls. Everyone here knows he has not "kept his legislative gun in its' holster". And everyone knows King supports anti-gunners. But still he denies his own words. And he makes the dishonest claim that no one even mentioned Obama's anti-gun Executive Orders.

What a filthy fraud.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.