Originally Posted By: King Brown
What bothers is timid and less than discriminating scrutiny of all candidates, leaving a weaker America instead of top of its game.

From China's and Russia's swagger from their political, military and economic stake in the world order, my guess is they don't fear the outcome of campaigns swamped by character assassinations, Benghazi and servers.

It is a good show. I don't think it's what America wants.

Gee, that's strange King. You weren't bothered in the least by the "less than discriminating scrutiny" of candidate Obama, and you still aren't. And my how it has left America weaker instead of on top of its' game.

And isn't it just awful how Putin and the Chinese swagger as a result. How about that Putin... sliding into the power vacuum left by Obama in the Middle East as he moves Russian (Soviet?) troops into Syria? And those inscrutable Chinese, conducting Naval exercises off the coast of Alaska knowing Obama was there and knowing he'd never cast a limp-wristed rainbow light of disapproval on them. Who knows what message they could have been telegraphing after joint Naval exercises with the Russians and then a little detour on the way home to flip the finger at Obama?

Is that just some of that back-channeling and regional balancing that you keep telling us about as you staunchly defend Obama's foreign policy blundering?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.