Originally Posted By: Doverham
Trump/Palin - there is a ticket that will show the world that the GOP should be taken seriously crazy....

....We have just learned the consequences of POTUS on-the-job-training - let's not do that again, even if it means electing an "establishment" Republican.

What do we do if Trump makes it through primaries and comes out the winner. Does the GOP just pick Jeb anyway? What happens if no establishment candidates are effective campaigners, and are unable to draw votes.

Then, would it be okay for the world to take us seriously if we have a hillary/warren team in charge. I don't think it's balls to tell off the establishment that makes an ounce of difference, it's grabbing attention, surprisingly good teflon coating, and only himself to decide if it continues or fades. The establishment folks tend to even talk the base into staying home.