Originally Posted By: King Brown
Noticed the little fella's bile is rising with his infallible liberal and socialist spiritual leader in town?

It looks like little King's judgement is being clouded by visions of phallic-like snakes and swords again.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
His comedic projection of swords and snakes as tough masculinity comes off as homophobic and distinctly phallic!

King Brown still has not told us where he saw this alleged homoeroticism that fired up his latent homosexual tendencies. He was pretty quiet all day yesterday, probably clinging to the TV and hoping to see further justification for his secret "funny" side. I didn't notice if his spiritual leader (only when it comes to gay or Liberal issues) said anything about lowering the admission standards and welcoming unbelievers into the fold. We could ask little King, but he hears what he wants to hear, exclusively.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.