Everyone is parsing the popes words, Craig. Whatever digs he makes against Obama, theyre small compared to his indictment of the Republican platform. Before he put his luggage down he canonizes a Hispanic for sainthood. Now, deport them.

Since the little fella is anonymous, we only know from his response that his spiritual leader has him dancing How can you do this to me, anything I dont know about spiritual reality cant be true. Maybe an Irish jig or Highland fling but I think flamenco.

Cant you see it? Flamenco is the most mixed and fused of musical genres---like the debates of whos a real Republican---and the little fella is stamping rhythmically, sword held high as our protector and arbiter of truth, tramping snakes under his feet.

Id pay to see it. The young and old liberal world leaders, Obama and Francis, watching ruefully from the front seats while he dances, sweating furiously, and wails Youre both apostates. At my distance, its a joy to watch him in Misfires.