
What is it about the lefties that makes them go goo-goo eyed over one propagandized media creation or another. Remember how they fell down and worshiped at the altar of Barack Hussein Obama? Gave him the Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing? Now this Pope throws out a few paragraphs on inequality and they think he is wisest, kindest, sagest human being that has lived in the last thousand years.

Reminds me of the Star Trek Movie, The Final Frontier:

Link to Wiki article on the Final Frontier.

The lefties are always looking for some great man to come in and put the world right. They project a cross of Superman and Mother Teresa onto some liberal or another, like they lionized Barack Hussein Obama. And then they realize he is only human, not a demigod. Oops! Now they're off to find a real demigod to save the world from the nasty old capitalists.

If I am wrong why else would they be all a flutter over this particular Pope?

They remind me of a bunch of junior high girls in many ways.


I am glad to be here.