But you don't believe in the spiritual. You disdain prayer. You poo-poo the supernatural, the miracles, the resurrection. The only part of Catholicism you endorse is income redistribution. So you project on this Pope kind of an FDR type new dealer and throw the supernatural part of Christianity out. As does the left dominated media.

So then all you lefties, in your hope of finding a REAL demigod this time, project all your socialist leaning hopes on this Pope, while ignoring the spiritual, supernatural part of his being, position, and message.

I don't think Trump, Carson, Rubio, Cruz, Bush, or Fiorina, if elected, will save the world. I just believe any of them would be less worse than Hillary, Sanders, or Biden.

But the left wet their pants every time first-time Presidential candidate Barack Obama stepped off the campaign bus. I see a lot of that same peeing phenomenon just about everytime this Pope opens his mouth.

I am glad to be here.