I resent the left's power, through their domination of the media, to make an apple appear as an orange or to make a banana appear an orangutan. And so through that haze of news spun in such a way to make Romney appear as Attila the Hun and to make Obama appear as the Second Coming of Christ they tilt the National elections to the Democrats.

And the electorate has also given Republicans majorities in the Senate and House. They have also elected far more Republican governors than Democratic governors. And they have given Republicans control of both the legislature AND governorship in far more states than they have the Democrats.

I apologize for misrepresenting you. But you have been gleefully upholding the Pope's criticism of captilism here as the greatest thing since the 2008 Obama (not the 2015 Obama).

And you and the other (mostly agnostic in my opinion) liberals have completely ignored the Pope's continued disapproval of gay marriage and abortion. And the fact that he is the leader of a body of people that believes in the supernatural, that believe in a personal and caring God, one that, when in his will, answers prayers.

And you did show disdain for prayer with a comment that went something like "I prefer to work and get things accomplished instead of praying". And you have twice said that your wishing someone well and prayer are the same thing. They aren't.

So the Pope isn't an atheist liberal. The Pope believes in miracles, prayer, and the supernatural. But The New York Times, MSNBC, CNN, and the rest of the posse will continue to present him as a secular humanist. And many of your cohorts, if not you yourself, will pee themselves again the next time he mentions inequality in a speech.

I am glad to be here.