Howdy jOe: My Grouse hunt in lower MI was gobs of fun. I was with some very good friends and managed to harvest 2 birds (& out of the air) which was tough with all the leaves still on (at least for me). My little Pointer, Jill did better than I did.....I watched her track a very wise, and likely old running grouse for over 400 yards through a thick, beer can sized aspen thicket. The bird reached the end of the thicket then flushed across a trail (which I didn't even know was there), so we didn't even get a shot at that bird. Nevertheless, it was a sight for sore eyes watching my dog do her work. Next Saturday I'm heading to the Upper Peninsula for a week in the Ottawa Nat'l forest and am taking my Browning (and more importantly, Jill) there too. I am very much looking forward to it. I hope life is treating you well.....and you too Mike!

Socialism is almost the worst.