Originally Posted By: JCHannum
The whole story;


BTW King you did use candidates, plural, what other candidates can you take out of context and represent as advocating razor wire along the border?

Why won't King address this lie he told us? King not only used the plural, "candidates" he compounded the lie by saying GOP candidates wanted a razor wire fence along our longest border.

That's a far stretch from what Walker apparently actually said. Very far. But King cannot win in the arena of ideas and discussion without lies, dishonesty, exaggeration, obfuscation... all topped with some resume inflation to bolster his credibility. King will make shit up about any Republican candidate, yet never say a word about the very real and extreme anti-gun positions of his favored Liberal Left Democrats.

Remember the good old days when you actually had some credibility here King? Now you've got Ed Good and Jagermeister fooled, and nobody else. What a fraud.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.