Okay, now I've read Brook's column. Seems very much like one could substitute the word "Democrat" for the word "Republican" in that column and it would be just as accurate and make just as much sense.

Bill, it's interesting to me that you say "I think my only serious quarrel with Misfires is members' refusal to consider any viewpoint but their own".

My serious quarrel with the left is an utter refusal by the left to consider any viewpoint but their own. And worse than conservatives, the left is determined to make us all accept their viewpoint. The right just wants to be left to do their own thing. We wish the left would quit telling us how to be and quit taking our money to spend on things we viscerally disagree with.

I make both points because Brook's column is a great example of what I run into daily with the left....the pot calling the kettle black. Somehow, you guys are better, right?

Reminds me of my ex wife. Wish I could be rid of the left as easily.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia