Originally Posted By: SKB
....you have forty or so guys in the "Freedom Caucus" and they pretty much gut the effectiveness the GOP....

....I would happy to see Congress function as it should again....

....So who are you pulling for now Craig seeing that the good Governor Walker has pulled out? I concede Rand Paul does not have a chance, but just who may pull out to the front of the pack remains a mystery to me.

My point Steve was and remains, Congress is doing their job. If the pres shows an inability to work with the opposing party, and compromise enough to enact bipartisan legislation, then the duty of congress is to apply checks and balances. My other point was and remains, we should look at how 'independent' we are, if we only buy the mantra from one side.

Honestly, right now, I think a crowded R field is a good thing. Hill, wasn't she a peach this morning, can only blame and attack a nameless, faceless, low approval rated congressional hit squad. Herself and her amazingly 'tolerant' media buddies have to keep guessing for now, rather than hammer on an anointed nominee.

Back to your freedom folks, com'on, forty out of several hundred. You think they're in charge. Why won't decent leadership throw them a few crumbs to keep 'em quiet. Nope, I don't see them as the lone renegades holding the country back.

To expand a bit, blk lives matter is nearly their own political party now. A handful of crude thugs that will disrupt any dem gathering of more than a dozen folks. Funny, dems aren't piss'in and cry'in about that handful ruining everything, but they appreciate the mantra that R's are just a bunch of useless squabblers, by the 'independents' of course. Back to hill, it should be a curiosity to independent thinkers that the black lives crew doesn't show up and pee on her march to the wh. I suppose that let's the 'loser' dem hopefuls say they went down swing'in, but out'a the way she ain't stop'in till she gets the prize.

I believe RyanF is wrong. The left accepts and welcomes attacks against itself to push the overall agenda along. Unions, universities and left wing cities/states all gladly budget in heavy monetary losses in lawsuits, so that they're directed by a court or their unilateral feelings to pc engineer society.

A quick question for you, is the benghazi and improper handling of state dept classified information investigations something that this Congress should be doing?