Craig you are terribly, terribly confused if you think the Democratic party has swayed me towards voting for them. They have not. I will not be voting for a Democrat in 2016, nor will I support the fringe element of the GOP. If a moderate Republican gets nominated they will have my vote. A Ted Cruz type will not. Throwing the Freedom Boys a bone only gives them a bigger appetite. They are such idealists that they will never be happy with legislation that can actually pass. Numbers do matter and grand standing to make a point is useless. Checks and balances is exactly what they fail to understand over on the fringe of both parties. So back to my question, who are you backing that is actually electable? And what do you make of Paul Ryan? Are you ready to brand him another useless RINO who will be unable to unite the party? I think he could be a very good speaker if the Freedom Boys do not sabotage him like they did he predecessor. Paul Ryan understands the math behind legislation. Being able to get the needed votes and getting things passed far outranks taking a stand over on the fringe.
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I miss Monkey Jim.