Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
There is no point in offering information here . People point out that Scooter Libby wasn't convicted of outing Valerie Plame. They insist he was convicted of lying. So? What was it he was convicted of lying about? That Bush would use evidence he had been advised was not reliable in order to make his case for war must seem to reasonable people like fudging. If it strikes people here as a reasonable course of action from a responsible leader, then it's not such a big leap to imagine that Trump could actually be nominated.

Better look at the Iowa polls today, BIll. You are in for a surprise if you think Trump is in the lead.

It would seem that lying is OK, as long as it is a democrat doing it-remember "Mitt Romney hasn't paid his taxes in ten years" from Harry Reid? No proof, no truth, just feed it to the media and watch the frenzy.
Was Harry held accountable? Seems not.
Ditto the lie about Mitt's employee's "wife dying from cancer, because Mitt didn't provide healthcare". A falsehood, picked up by the dupes in the media, and run with.
Or how 'bout the classic "Dog tied to the roof of Mitt's station wagon" lie? The dog was in a Versa kennel, on a trailer, and if a dog traveling in a Versa kennel is reason to go to hell, I guess I'll be there, too-all my dogs have done the same thing on hunting trips over the years, and never seemed to mind.

I'm quite tired of democrat driven lies (unemployment at 3.5%, how 'bout THAT lie, Bill?) not being held to, well, any standard of truth. You did see the little nugget in the news yesterday about 51% of all Americans earning less than $30,000 dollars a year since the great recession took place, right? Factor that in with the increases built into Obama care, and let us know how that is going to work out for those people.

Shall I go on? There is a smorgasboard of them, these days, Bill.

Just open your eyes, and look.
