Originally Posted By: King Brown
Whatever the numbers, America's future is universal healthcare and guaranteed annual income, not for ideological reasons but necessity to buffer widening disparity and boost consumption i.e. Ford paying workers then-preposterous $5/day. Obamacare is the beginning. No more revolutionary than the changing face of America over the last 25 years. Does anyone here imagine two black presidents in a row?

The math would be 1 ˝ black presidents in a row but…whatever, Carson is never going to be President. Nobody from the four Christian “cult” religions (Mormon, 7th day, Jehovah Witness, Scientology) can win a national election. I’m not commenting on their dogmas, just on how our culture views them. Republicans are badly out of touch and learned nothing from Romney. A Mormon was never, ever, going to be President.

The conservative fetish with Carson is a disturbing, yet predictable, development. This is why they lose in a nutshell.