It is not my opinion that no single gun will fit everyone. It is a fact. If you want to argue about my opinions, feel free, but facts are a different matter.
By the way, are you suggesting that ALL H&H Royals are built to light game gun configuration? Watch where you are stepping, Buzz.
It was suggested that I've never held a BSS, either, odd, in that I've handled them on several continents, and pointed that out. I never said I found them to be clubby, but, some would.
The recoil on the AL 20 is objectionable to the Missus when it is loaded with rounds that will cycle it. My wife's main motivation to share time afield with us is not the shooting, but, sharing the company of her Son, her dog, and her husband, maybe in that order. We never object to her company, nor, should we. We are lucky to have her along.
