Originally Posted By: eightbore
Yup, bargain hunters can go on Amazon and scarf up Gene Hill stuff for about a tenth of what it is worth. He knew what shotguns and shotgun acquisition was all about. We're supposed to store these guns as well as shooting them. Most authors don't understand "shotgun acquisition".
I rank Gene Hill's "The Stranger" and "Pepper" with Nash Buckingham's "Play House" and "Hail and Farewell"__And in my signed copy of his "Shotgunner's Notebook" his "Guns as Investments" is still valid today- I met him and he signed all my copies of his books extant then in Oct 1990, when he and Mike McIntosh were out here in MI on a Orvis sponsored tour-at that time, the asst. mgr. of the local Orvis Shoppe in Ada was a close hunting partner-, so he invited me- and my Gene Hill books, like my Grandfather's AHE, are NFS- not now, not while I am above ground- and I turn 74 tomorrow- Guns as Investments-, huum- a Model 21 on Ex-Lax Bay for half a grand- yup, damn good investment in today's market- DT, Ext. early series M21 perhaps at that bargain basement price--

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..