Originally Posted By: Franc Otte
wasn't Gough Thomas's Gun an 28" Atkin 12 bore.I remember him writing that he ordered it as long as it was made "to your finest pre war standards" or such wording.
It seemed he liked it very much indeed,especially the ease of opening n closing..i believe it was an assisted or self opener...he seemed to hint that it was easier to close than a Purdey...no "hard" spot

My copy of his book is out on somewhat permanent loan, but, I seem to recall he ordered a 16 because he was getting older and wanted a lighter gun to carry him through his years as they advanced. You may be right about the maker, but, I think it was Aiken, Grant and Lang by then, anyway. He may very well have ordered more than one gun in his life.

Does anyone here have a copy of the book that they could look it up in?