Do not allow someone to drill completely through the face of the ejector during the process of getting the old piece of guide pin out. Foxes were not built that way, and shouldn't be repaired that way. Any competent 'smith can do it properly. See this thread for a proper repair procedure, and further down in the same thread the reason why drilling completely through can cause other problems. Understand that I am not proposing that you, or anyone else, use the procedure posted to do the job. It is posted just as info as to one way of doing it.

Why not shoot it as is? Because flexing of the longer ejector stem will occur in much greater measure when the guide pin is missing. repeated stresses from ejection like this, or one sticky hull in a chamber, can break the ejector stem. Then you've got a much worse problem to deal with. Fox ejectors are getting hard to come by, and expensive, and require proper fitting and rim cut to be made, all of which is much worse than a proper repair on the broken guide pin.


May God bless America and those who defend her.