My dad smoked enough to turn our car headliner a sticky orange and everything around him ended up smelling like a dirty ashtray. Nonetheless I have nothing against people smoking, just don't include me. Don't smoke in my house, don't smoke in my car, don't smoke at the table next to me in the restaurant when I'm trying to enjoy my meal. However, if you want to smoke where I'm not having your habit forced on me via air currents go ahead and knock yourself out because if you think so little of yourself that you'll continue doing something harmful it's your right. Just don't include me. I don't think that's asking too much.

BTW my father-in-law smoked all his life and used to laugh and say "as long as smoking takes days off the end of my life I'm okay with it!" Van lived to be 85, however for the last ten years of his life he dragged an oxygen bottle with him wherever he went because of the asthma he had, brought on by a lifetime of smoking. You smokers want that end for yourselves, it's up to you, go ahead smoke, knock yourselves out because I don't care, just don't include me.


Approach life like you do a yellow light - RUN IT! (Gail T.)