"Daryl," your 10-bore seems based on the Purdey British patent of the 1860's. I believe F. J. Abbey and Company of Chicago may have assembled hammerguns guns like you describe from components by W & C Scott and labeled them "Charles Daly," as was otherwise done for some of the Lefever patented side-lever productions; or they could have sold these assembled or as separate parts in the white, and perhaps private-labeled the barreled actions for firms such as James Donn & Bros, and others. But so far, I cannot find a photograph or text online, in order to demonstrate or validate the point. I will keep looking.

It has been well established, I believe, in previous posts associated with other threads on this site that Lindner-sourced actions and / or barrels were imported into the U.S. and used as the basis for guns and rifle and gun combinations by American retailers and / or makers. The consensus seems to be that Schoverling, Daly & Gales facilitated this trade as the importer and distributor. There are examples from which to choose to illustrate this point.

Likewise, there exist examples of "Jas. Donn & Bros." guns that employ Prussian and U.K. actions and / or barrel sets. But separate from Jas. Donn & Bros. productions, I hope to ascertain whether another "Wm. Donn" marked gun exists, which I doubt. If another does exist, I would certainly want to see it, and also discover what I can about the one that does exist.

Again, Happy New Year, and all the best in the coming year.

