Once there was a dove shoot near me, and one of the "distinguished" guests was a local judge. The field was baited, and everybody there had killed over the limit, including "Yo' honor". A couple game wardens showed up to check everybody and the judge saw him coming. He surreptitiously slipped out of the field with his pile of birds, much over the limit, got to his vehicle and, after easing quietly out of hearing, floored it towards his house. You see, he knew that the wardens would be bringing the other shooters to his house shortly. He beat them there, slipped in the back door, changed clothes, and settled down just in time to hear the doorbell ring and see the wardens and a rather large group of unhappy dove shooters, all of whom he knew well, on his front porch.

When asked a couple days later what he did to them he replied, "I did just what I should have done ... charged them $5 apiece and chewed their ----s out!"


May God bless America and those who defend her.