I don't usually post on on this page but this thread brought back a memory. In the late '50s when I was about 8 or 9 My Dad always took me hunting. He and his friend rode up front and I was always in the back seat with a .22 if we saw some rabbits. Dad usually had two shotguns with him for some reason. That day he had a 20 gauge in back with me.

The game warden pulled us over and we were one bird over the limit which at that time was 5 or 6 if I recall correctly. Dad said the bird belonged to me. The warden looked at me and the shotgun and laughed and said "Dammm Nate you better get shoulder pads for that boy. Let us go.
That was in small community up in the Sandhills of Nebraska and everyone knew everyone.
Looking back I guess that is why he always took two guns.

Last edited by texraid; 01/06/16 08:41 PM.