A group of us guys were going dove hunting. My father, well into his 80's, hadn't hunted in 50 years or so. But, he wanted to be part of the fun and we didn't mind so along he went.

We got to the lease and there wasn't a lot of activity dove-wise. After a few hours, we all wandered back to the area where we parked the cars to compare our luck. I pulled two doves out of my bag, another guy had 1, another guy had 2 etc. We were all pretty down about it when my father came up (he walks slow!). We asked him how had done and he said "Oh, I got 12 or 13..."

Naturally, we were all amazed and I was kinda proud that my dad had done so well, especially against all the younger guys.

Then, he opened his game bag and started pulling out the 'doves' which were all mockingbirds, bluejays, sparrows, etc!