Good ones!

I have a strange quirk that has happened to me several times in my life. I am of the habit of getting my "bathroom business" done first thing every morning. Well, getting up very early to hunt ducks sometimes interrupts the flow of things, shall we say. More than once I have been all trussed up in chest waders, standing in the water in the pre-dawn, only to have the "urge" hit me hard. If I try to ignore it, or restrain it, I eventually get faint.

Eight of us had put the boats in at the landing at Bayou Meto, AR, at 4:30 a.m., motored aways down the canal, drug the boats another several hundred yards to our hole, and had just begun killing ducks. Then, that old familiar feeling hit me. I knew I had to "go" somewhere, but where? There was no land that wasn't under two feet of water within 1/4 mile. I suppressed it, that faint feeling started, and I headed for the boat, thinking I would just have to soil the boat and incur the wrath of several of my buddies. Before I got to the boat I passed out, my Beretta 390 went down into the mud, submerged. The icy water woke me back up quickly, and I continued to the boat. Getting there I found a few old rags, and was about to climb in to do the dirty deed when I spied a huge root wad, we call 'em "harrikins", of a blown down oak. I climbed up on it, happy as could be, and called out to my buds to not look that way unless they wanted to be deeply offended. I looked like a rooster perched up there for a few minutes. Afterwards, I poured the mud and water out of my gun. The action had frozen shut and I had quite a time getting it open. Barrel was clear, so I reloaded it, waded back over to the hole and killed a limit of ducks. That 390 never missed a lick, ejecting and feeding perfectly, great testimony to that design.

I hope my buddies have been able to put that picture of me perched up on top of that root wad out of their minds, 'cause some of them just couldn't resist looking and laughing.


May God bless America and those who defend her.