The daily devotional plays a big role to most turkey hunters who are like bird dogs when they get out of the truck in the dark after driving to the woods while drinking coffee. A buddy told on himself about one pre-dawn urge fulfillment on one trip. He was wearing camo overalls at the time. After doing his business which required the dropping of shoulder straps, after completion, as he walked in the woods, a familiar odor followed him. He couldn't escape it. He then noticed what was on his right shoulder strap.

Looking from my office window I can see the Savannah River Bridge to SC. Back in the 1970s, it played a part in a prank played on me. Lloyd and Tommy told me about a small pond adjacent to the bridge that was supposedly full of teal. At dusk, I drove to it to see if any birds were moving. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Lloyd thought it was funny as hell when I called to tell him I didnt see a duck. There hadn't been a duck in that pond, ever. He stopped laughing when I told him that when I drove out, my headlights illuminated dozens of eyes along the road shoulder. I thought they were rabbits until I pulled alongside them and saw woodcock probing for worms on the road shoulder. The next day we took his lab who we directed into the cat brier hell and brambles along the road shoulder, flushing doodles left and right. It was one of the best days weve ever had on woodcock. On the next trip, more of the same. We got a sour look from a rail road employee as the dirt road was adjacent to tracks. The next trip out, the land was posted by the rail road.
