Before turkey hunting took off in this area big time, a buddy, Randy, ran his mouth about how many wild turkeys he had on his property. Another friend, Fred, was impressed and called in a personal debt and told Randy they would be even if he took an important out of town client turkey hunting and helped him kill a trophy. Randy called another friend, Jay, to help out. Unknown to Fred, Jay and Randy bought a barn yard turkey from a local farmer. The bird was big and dumb as dirt. The day before the hunt, Randy and Jay built a blind in the open swamp and set decoys out front. Jay sneaked into the woods in the dark with the turkey under his coat and hid in the underbrush about 100 yards from the blind. At dawn Randy and sport were in the blind. Randy started calling. The turkey’s head shot out of Jay’s coat and started struggling. Jay dropped the bird and it hauled ass to the decoys gobbling his crinkled-ass off, non-stop and nothing like a wild gobbler. The sport dropped the hammer. Jay sneaked away undetected. Randy slapped the sport on the back, hooped and hollered and congratulated him on the trophy. None the wiser, the sport proudly had the bird mounted. Names have been changed to protect the guilty.