A pretty bad oopsie, happened down in Texas on a goose lease. A buddy and I were bored silly, the birds kept dumping into the next field and couldn't care less about our sorry looking rag spread. At lunch, a few singles were still landing in the field, so we thought why not, let's take a walk down there and see what's going on.

We stayed out of sight behind a dike and figured we'll pop up over the edge and maybe get a shot at a single that was a little too close to the edge. We were about twenty yards apart and went over the top together. The field was wall to wall geese and they were completely surprised. For a split second, they just looked at us, then they started to lift in one big sheet, very noisy and geese completely filled my peripheral vision.

We started shooting, and I realized when my buddy shot to my right, the lead bird couldn't have been fifteen yards out, but a long string of geese fell behind it. I yelled to him, too many, but we both emptied out. The main body of geese were still only about thirty yards off the ground, but we had way too many on the ground. We grabbed seven each of the closest birds, and our story was going to be that the cripples got away.