This one is not about hunting, but has connections with members of a local gun club that sponsored a sale of smoked and barbecued turkeys and Boston butts during the Holidays years ago. The cooking crew was a bunch of cut-ups and were noted pranksters who drank a lot of beer while cooking. A local businessman who was also a club member ordered a large order of Boston butts. He sent an employee to pick them up. Before the employee arrived, the crew loaded heated bricks into several aluminum pans covered with foil and sent them off with the employee. Unknown to them, Claude had directed the employee to take them directly to Bethesda Boys Orphanage, the oldest in America, which was about a mile from the gun club. He made sure that the orphanage knew of his generosity and was expecting a phone call from the orphanage acknowledging gratitude. The bricks hit the fan when dinner time came around for the boys. The director blew-up and chewed out Claude for being a heartless jerk and from what I gather it took him awhile to finally convince them otherwise