If you delve down into the propaganda spewed by HSUS (the anti-hunters) you'll find that one of the things they deem "cruel" about hunting is the use of lead shot. Because. They present no science (never do, it's all emotion) and want to eliminate all lead projos.
I read a lot of their crap a year or two ago b/c they came to Maine and tried to ban use of bait, traps (cable snares - jawed bear traps have been illegal for decades) and hounds for hunting bears. Those were inhumane and cruel, they said.

The condor is a sad case, to be sure. Likely was a goner before man showed up. Just a matter of time. But they're using reintroduction efforts as the fulcrum to ban hunting, starting with lead projos. They really don't give a shit about the condors - just ending hunting.

The HSUS website may not NOW say they want to ban hunting but that's a result of their failed 2014 bear campaign here in Maine. Their chief propagandist and lobbyist was sandbagged on live radio about it. Their line was the typical "we don't want to ban all hunting, just these "cruel" methods" and she was spouting it. And then the host confronted her with a screencap of the HSUS website where it quite clearly said they want to ban all hunting. Got that classic "dead air" when she couldn't lie her way out of it* and couldn't admit it, either. The website was scrubbed of the "we want to ban all hunting" language a day or two later.

If you or your organization get into it with them and want that screencap, the Sportsman's Alliance of Maine has it. Talk to Becky.

* She was an attorney admitted in Mass. but gave up her law license. Noises were being made about reporting her for ethical violations based on some of the whoppers and campaign tactics she was putting forth.

Last edited by Dave in Maine; 01/16/16 09:48 PM.

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