Originally Posted By: King Brown
The thread is descending....What has Larry's influential voice got to do with it?....

....implores me to join those who want to stop the killing. What's killing hunting is a growing abhorrence of killing. I'm partly responsible for the sentiment among my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren....

Well it wasn't descending until you showed up! Just kidding King, if you say so, then it must be so.

King, Larry himself said his voice wasn't so influential. I gave my reasons for mentioning his voice in the industry, admittedly I did not read his PDJ article that he mentioned from a few years back, did you? Be that as it may, so you say that he is in fact influential, hmmm.

By the way, thanks for the guidance you provide to our future generations. I like your blood-n-guts behind the woodshed story. Is that the kind of anecdotal evidence we can read about in future 'hunting' magazines?

Maybe, you can explain something. Fish is 70 to 90% of an eagles diet, waterfowl comes next, and last various rodents. Carrion is listed as incidental. With all that market hunting you did with lead shot back in the 60's-n-70's, did you contribute to waterfowl picking up spent lead shot?

Now then, how come, back around the implementation of steel shot, didn't we find lead shot in eagles because of the waterfowl that they ate, just as it's such a problem today with the gruesome graphic lead laced deaths that so many unrecovered shot fawns face?

Could it be that there was no hunting season on eagles, so something else had to be blamed for the thin eggshells, that didn't stand up to the hammer test of the researchers at the time? Hey, didn't DDT use continue for at least 20 years after the 'ban'. Duck hunting disgusting, the Jakes would take you out behind the woodshed for a thought like that.