Originally Posted By: King Brown
I'm beginning to wonder how many lead-deniers live 24/7 in wide-open spaces. From where I'm writing this, I've seen bald eagles swoop from perches in trees, clutch ducks from small and large groups on the water, "swim" to shore with their wings, and eat them....

King, you probably live in one of the most beautiful areas in all of North America.

Allow me to be so churlish as to repeat, again repeat, why wasn't the waterfowl component of an eagle's diet ever found to be the source of lead poisoning back before non toxic shot was mandated. You yourself said just a bit earlier in this thread that eagles eat fish. Pretty cut and dry eh? But, of course I would be rude to mention that. Is it rude to mention all the other toxins spread by the raping and pillaging of pristine wilderness by corporate greed. Did you ever use DDT back in the day.

King, I think Larry is right on many points, but continues to base his comments on foregone conclusions and speculation designed to trigger emotion. And, you said, so what if he's an influential outdoor writer. Even for Canadians, I believe 'sources' should be vetted, or you have no reason to be force feeding it as good science. The basics would be is there openness about the researchers, their methods and reasons. And, who's paying for the 'research'.