I don't really care if you are "hard on me" or not. It is not about me or my way (you can try to make that if you want though - that is standard internet operating procedure when up against a brick wall). It's about the facts and what is done with them. I have a little experience in science and wildlife ecology, and I know how science is done, how it works and, in this case, with some of the people who have done it. This is not rocket science.

If you don't know whether upland birds have crops (and gizzards, where the actual damage is done) then what are you doing in this discussion? Really. Not to be hard on you back just for the sake of retaliation but if you don't know something about bird biology, population dynamics or some such, why are you here?

For instance, I don't know jack about interplanetary physics so I don't bother to interject opinions into discussions about whether or not there is a 9th planet that is 10x the size of earth sharing our sun. I'll leave that to folks that really have the facts and marvel in the creative ways they have gone about finding evidence for this.

Everything can be a toxin. How much and in what way and to what degree are the consequences important is what matters. Of course, Lead is toxic. Do you really want to debate that? This is a hunting/shooting/collecting forum, not a presidential debate where the debating the existence of things that are factually known to not even exist is considered valid.