Sorry Brent, but you have just revealed that you don't care about facts. You didn't even read what I said, and just want to continue with your knee-jerk repetition of bad science that has been proven incorrect. I just mentioned the habit of upland birds picking up small stones for their crops. I know all about crops and gizzards, and I know what they do. My degree is in Biology, by the way. I don't know your credentials, but it is obvious to me that I have way more knowledge of this subject, and have devoted way more time to dissecting both side of the issue than you. Now you know why I am here.

Can you please show us where I have ever once said that lead is not a toxin? But you are wrong when you say that everything is a toxin. Copper is a toxin too. So is bismuth and tungsten. Do you even know anything about the different forms of lead and the dramatic differences in bio-availability. I keep using that word, but I guess that I am assuming that people like you even understand bio-availability. Do you understand that lead dust or lead in solution is much much more readily absorbed by the body of a bird, insect or mammal than a piece of #6 shot that passes through the digestive system? When you make your emotional arguments about lead ammunition, it becomes apparent that you do not.

You're right. This is not rocket science. But it is apparent that you still do not get it.

You are also right about this being a hunting/shooting/collecting forum. That makes it all the more amazing to see the number of guys who make erroneous statement that undermine those very activities, and cling to them even when they are proven wrong. Some are just stubborn. I still think you and Larry are stubborn, and that isn't a bad thing. But some are downright dishonest and mentally ill enough to deny smoking gun evidence of their dishonesty. Right King?

By the way, that was a nice custom Winchester single shot .22LR you posted pictures of yesterday. Did you shoot those squirrels with no-tox bullets? Since everything is a toxin, what did you use? Can you scare them to death with blanks?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.