Originally Posted By: L. Brown

A fraction of the birds they treat . . . OK. I find an article on an eagle that died of lead poisoning in my old home county back in 2010. 5.6 ppm blood lead level. Toxicity occurs at 0.2 ppm. Approximately 30 reported to have died in 2009 from exposure to lead. Another rehabilitator in Iowa reports that of the 130 that died at rehabilitation sites in the past 5 years, nearly 60 percent tested positive for lead poisoning. Yes indeed, that's only a fraction. . . but it's hardly a small fraction.

(SOAR--Saving Our Avian Resources--says "We know it's the lead fragments that are making them sick." They have an obvious bias, so I'm not buying the fragments as the cause in all cases. But in some cases? Maybe most cases? We know there are lead fragments in venison, and we know that eagles scavenge deer, and we know that lead fragments show up in their systems. I don't think we can give lead bullets a "pass"

Let me address these statements too Larry. You found an article about an eagle that died with a 5.6 ppm blood lead level. So tell us the source of that lead. You are using this to support lead ammunition bans to protect eagles. What was it that caused those very toxic blood lead levels? Then you say that 30 died from exposure to lead in 2009. Was that at one raptor rehabilitation center, or several? What was the source of the lead? Then your Iowa rehabilitator reports that of 130 eagles that died at rehabilitation sites over 5 years, nearly 60% tested positive for lead poisoning. 130 over 5 years is an average of 26 deaths from all causes per year over multiple raptor rehabilitation sites. So we are talking about an average of 15.6 per year that died from some unknown source of lead at multiple raptor rehabilitation sites. Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill.

Again, what was the source of the lead Larry? Since virtually are all out there consuming lead bullet tainted gut piles, and wounded deer that are full of bullet fragments... according to you, why don't 100% of them have high blood lead levels? Didn't you tell us your Bald Eagle's version of "a chicken in every pot" was that practically every eagle you saw was feeding on a dead deer? Are you telling us that 40% of those poisoned eagles live and feed in areas where there is no hunting with lead shot or bullets? Since their diet actually is 70-90% fish, where are they feeding where both lead ammunition and lead fishing sinkers and jigs are not used? Where is this magical lead-free kingdom Larry?

Your argument isn't holding water Larry. Keep throwing bullshit until something sticks. But don't keep doing this and try to tell us that you are on our side.

edit: craigd, we must remember to only quote Brent's actual words. You cannot condense many paragraphs of obvious support for lead ammunition bans into one very accurate blanket statement or you will be accused of putting words in his mouth. Even though you are right, he will use that as his excuse to demonize you and me. And never forget this insanity... lead ammo isn't affecting populations of upland birds, so it is not a problem. Nor is it affecting Eagles at the population level, so we should just shut up like good little anti-lead soldiers, and accept lead ammunition bans. And I guess we should have quoted everything on Audobon's entire website even though only a couple sentences were needed to refute what Larry was trying to convince us of. These two birds are a trip.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.