With as many pages as this thread has generated, Im imagining about half a dozen individuals are even still paying attention

But having read it all, I feel the need to say a couple of things as a retired wildlife biologist of 35 years. (FWIW to the reader, I spent almost half of that time in large ungulate management, and the remainder in wetland assessment and mitigation work.)

And Ill try to keep it brief by simply saying that those that still doubt there is agenda-driven science being promulgated at the state and federal levels are nave at best. A fair amount of that shaky science has been aired here re: the lead/upland bird issue. And if you need further proof, you can delve into the USFWS wolf introduction program for the Rocky Mountain region as implemented over the past two decades. Youll find our own Montana Dept. of Fish, Wildlife & Parks cheer-led that questionable effort, to where they tried to tell us that our rapidly declining elk calf numbers were now a likely result of hypothermia rather than wolf depredations.

Youd also learn that the USFWS actually collaborated with an environmental group in allowing them to review and approve wolf-related press releases prior to public dissemination, this according to a widely respected publication titled The Real Wolf by Lyon & Graves (no connection here, in any way). But that is just the tip of the iceberg, and well leave it there so as not to hi-jack the actual topic of this thread.

Face it, folks, we frequently see half-truths to out-right lies being fed to the public most every day not only from the White House level, but from both parties of Congress, and right on down the food-chain. So Why do some of you doubt its any different from what you might receive at times from managers of your public trust? Im not contending that all the science profferred today is junk..as it clearly is not. Im just telling you from a lifetime of personal experience in this field that you need to apply a very critical eye especially now that most everything is being politicized. In my opinion, the science is increasingly being driven by the narrative rather than by the sound management principles first put forth by such founders as Aldo Leopold, Durward Allen, Valerius Geist, et al.

With that off my chest, Im outta here. I wont be responding to any replies that would further turn this into a pissing contest. Its just something I had to say, and I appreciate Dave W. allowing this particular thread/dialog to take place, as I think it has to have been informative for at least a number of individuals.

With my 'Thanks'

Rob Harris