Originally Posted By: King Brown
Leave it, Larry. His pleasure is the sound of his voice. Reasoning with his twisting is a waste of time. He quickly pushed two valued members---you and Brent---to the anti-gun side because your opinions differed from his. Misfires closure was partly because of his errant behaviour. He wants it back. Now he's at it here.

Maybe, it would help to take a look at your previous comment, [blank] could be contributing to the support and enjoyment of our shooting community and board if..... Substitute blank for Larry, or maybe Brent. Does your comment still stand? It seems to, eh?

Rob passed along personal experience, just as Larry did with his Audubon comments. Instead of Larry countering something, he didn't like, with some shooting fraternity facts and figures, what does he do? Whistle blower conspiracies, junk science demonizing, black helicopter and drone covert operations, he even drug mom and apple pie into the picture. Who again likes to read his writings?

Remember, you were the one that said it didn't matter? If a customer were paying for a publication and didn't agree with a point being made, does this give him or her a bit of an idea of how much effort was being put into unity and the value of a differing thought?

Take a look back at Rob's thought. I don't think he ever mentioned massive conspiracies and tin foil hats. I believe he explained who he worked for, what the job description was and that the job was/is executed. Do you read anything more into it?