Larry, I at first thought that the only problem was that you simply cannot admit to being wrong. Then it became apparent that you also have very poor reading comprehension and math skills. But it appears that the root cause of this silly discussion is that you are just dumber than a box of rocks.

After grabbing the ball and running it into the wrong end-zone a couple times, you have done it again and spiked the ball and are doing a victory dance... again in the wrong end-zone.

I was concerned that just confronting one part of your stupidity, and breaking it down into small pieces might still be too much for you to digest at one sitting. It was. So once again, here's the sentence that followed my quoting of your "Lead is Toxic. Toxic = Bad" statement". And this time, I made it even more simple and am only repeating the explanation of the 90% figure that you can't understand.

Originally Posted By: keith

"In fact, the parts that followed, along with 90% of what he has said prior to that in this thread, would support the conclusion that Larry is GENERALLY anti-lead EXCEPT FOR UPLAND GAME."

"along with 90% of what he has said prior to that in this thread,"... This means I am referring to 90% of what you have said before you made the statement I quoted. This does not in any way suggest that I am making this observation on the sum total of your life. Only what you have posted in this one thread Larry. Got it? I have already said here, that you were much more supportive of lead ammo in the 2010 thread. Furthermore Larry, 90% of your comments in this thread IS NOT THE SAME as being 100% anti-lead ammo. You do believe that lead is toxic... at least I hope you do. I believe that as well. I just don't believe that pieces of shot, bullets, or sinkers are the real problem with birds. Your math may be worse than your reading.

I tried to break that sentence down into small pieces that even a mentally retarded person might understand. But it was too much for you Larry. You still didn't get it. I was not even suggesting that you are 90% against lead. I was clearly referring ONLY to the COMMENTS you had made in your previous posts WITHIN THIS THREAD Larry.

How much more hand holding do you need to understand this, and to stop putting words in my mouth that I never said?

At this point, we don't really know where you stand, because you have been all over the map on many issues. I was merely observing and confronting things you said within this thread. And I wasn't the only one who noticed your apparent anti-lead bias... except for upland hunting use.

You told craigd, "I have no interest in doing a study on lead in eagles. I don't shoot eagles. It does not appear that eagles are ingesting the stuff with which I hunt (lead shot)."
I suggest you Google "X-rays of lead shot in eagles stomach" to see what is still being put out to support lead bans for upland hunting.

I told you, I have found quite a few studies and research papers that conclude that lead shot is but a very minor contributor to lead poisoning in birds. None have an abstract that announces that the purpose of the study is solely to refute the 1991 lead shot ban for waterfowl. The Holy Grail you seek may or may not be out there. I suppose the researchers who find through observation and experimentation, that chunks of metallic lead are far less dangerous than lead dust, vapors, or chemical solutions, all assume the reader is supposed to be intelligent enough to connect the dots and understand that science based upon feelings, suppositions, and circumstantial evidence is not good science. That leaves you out Larry. You not only have no credentials in this matter Larry... you also have no concept of what constitutes a proper scientific study or a proper research paper.

You keep telling us that all we can do is to "demand good science". What good is it to "demand good science" when you don't even know the difference between good and bad science, Larry?

General Format For A Scientific Research Paper

Your reference to that so-called study on lead fragments in packets of ground venison is just further proof of that. All of the deer hunters here who have never once bitten into even a tiny piece of lead in their deer burger realize by now that you will grasp at anything to prove you are right... and even go so far as to put words in someone's mouth so that you can deliberately mischaracterize what they actually said.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.