Originally Posted By: L. Brown
....not sure what "garbage" I call "science". I just got done explaining to you that....

....If there are "contrarians" out there on the lead ban, I don't know why you're having so much trouble finding them. Back 20 years ago, when the USFWS reduced the bag limit and shortened the season on woodcock, it took me all of 5 minutes to get a contrarian view--from the Chief of Wildlife with the Iowa DNR. Pretty heavy hitter in the wildlife management community. I asked for his opinion. He told me that there was no evidence hunting was the cause of the declining woodcock population, and that by reducing the bag limit and shortening the season, the feds were essentially putting the blame on hunting rather than looking elsewhere. That's how easy it can be to find contrary views....

....I'm now contacting Dave....

Morn'in Larry. Did you mention to the fellow that woodcock was an upland bird and you like to hunt them now and then? Did he know that deer hunters who recognized unwarranted blame, must turn to politicians for help, not wildlife heavy hitters for good science? Why would you contact Dave for something that's hiding in plain sight?