Do as I say, not as I do, eh Buzz?

Originally Posted By: buzz
King: Your rhetoric is sickening. Why don't you keep your Canadian nose out of our American business? Why don't you spend your time finding a negro Prime Minister for Canada? I think that would be a great, great thing for you and Canada. Then, you really could identify with us and then we might then listen to at least some of your junk, which often times over complicates and makes little sense of the English language.

It is B.S., and your comment is as dishonest and hypocritical as anything I've ever seen. Larry made a totally false statement about me a couple days ago. I nicely asked him to either prove that statement or retract and apologize. He could do neither, and you are perfectly OK with stuff like that. Funny you should mention nca225. I never gave a crap what he said about me, and mud flew both ways. But you are defending a person who posted vile filthy comments about my daughters. Even then, I never cried to Dave Weber. I handled it in my own way, and still have not forgiven or forgotten his filthy comments that he repeated and said he was glad he made. You sure know how to pick em'. Guys like you and Larry preach civility and staying on topic, but just hate it if I remind you that you do the same. And to you, that makes me the [censored]. What a joke.

Getting back on topic, I think this hunter might have made a clean kill if he had used #4 lead shot...

Shooting Liberals- Bloom County-

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.