Cases do seem to be a problem with CSMC.

Twice they have kept my hard case I used for protection when shipping my Model 21 to them for repairs. Once sent the gun back to me in card board and once kept my $500 Americase and sent the gun back in one of their canvas/leather low end cases. Took weeks and numerous phone calls to get my cases returned and had me send their case back at my expense before returning my Americase.

When I returned my Model 21 (for the 13th time) back in November here is the email I received from them:

"Connecticut Shotgun <> 11/05/15 at 9:36 AM
Tim Wolf
Message body
Good Morning Mr. Wolf,

Please feel free to send the guns at your convenience. We will turn the repair around quickly. Also be advised not to ship any gun case that value because we have many gun cases and guns that come and go daily. If you have further questions please let me know.

Thank you,


I do appreciate them letting me know that they have a problem with cases. But I also like the protection afforded by hard cases when shipping expensive firearms. It seems reasonable that the manufacturer of very expensive firearms should be able to keep track of and take care of a customer's gun case. Obviously not so much!

Dustin says, "Today is a gift, Have Fun."